Benefits of  Ylang Ylang Oil for Skin

“Ee-lang Ee-lang” is the pronunciation of Ylang-Ylang which is also the amazing ingredient for this article. Have you come across the story behind the ylang-ylang flower? Well, even though it is just a story it is fascinating to know that the essence of this flower is so powerful that it was given the credit of being the goddess of scent in the narration.

It is said that when the God of beauty was assigning each flower the fragrance it should carry; the ylang-ylang flower was questioned what it would do if blessed with a beautiful scent. The flower meekly but hesitatingly replied, she would surely be thankful for it but suggested to bestow the gift to the grass, stating the reason that the flowers of the grass would be stepped upon and that she already had the advantage of growing to the height equal to other flowers.

Ylang ylang is a yellow, star-shaped flower that grows on the Cananga tree (Canangaodorata). This tropical species is native to countries surrounding the Indian Ocean, such as India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and parts of Australia. Ylang ylang’s heady, aromatic scent is fruity, flowery, and rich.

The ylangylang flower is used to make several types of essential oil, via steam distillation. The oils vary in the intensity of their scent. Ylang ylang extra is the most potent essential oil derived from the ylangylang flower. This oil is often used as a top note in perfumes, such as Chanel Number Five.

The less potent essential oils are used as medium-to-base notes in perfume, and to make products such as cologne, lotion, food flavoring, and soap. The subtlest form of ylangylang is often known as Cananga oil.


  • Antimicrobial.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Reduces anxiety.
  • Heals wounds.
  • Improves skin.
  • Treats diseases.
  • As an anti-aging massage oil.

 Mirah Belle Ylang Ylang Products -

Ylang Ylang Oil

Know more about Ylang Ylang oil
The extract derived from the Ylang tree is used extensively in beauty products and cosmetics all over the world. Known as an anti-depressant that relieves you of stress, Ylang Ylang Oil is also, an aphrodisiac! This means it helps to make your sex life better. Excited already? Well, Ylang Ylang Oil is great for your skin too. It is used as an active ingredient by our Company in making most of our beauty products. Dig in deeper to know more about the benefits that Ylang Ylang Oil offers...

Here's a list of the skin benefits of Ylang Ylang oil:
1. Heals wounds: The essential oil is loaded with properties that helps to heal minor wounds, prevent microbial growth and protects you against viral, fungal and bacterial infections. It fastens the healing process of the skin. It has also proven to treat insect bites.

2. Treats Eczema: Eczema is a skin condition that causes inflammation and redness of the skin due to the dysfunctionality of the sebaceous gland. It makes your skin look ugly and unattractive. It generally affects your eyebrow, cheek or scalp. Ylang Ylang Oil helps to treat this skin condition and relieve you of the inflammatory skin condition.

3. Moisturizes skin: Ylang Ylang oil keeps your skin moisturized and hydrated, and prevents skin dryness. It keeps your skin smooth and soft, which results in brighter and younger looking skin.

4. De-stressor: when massaged into your shoulder, palms, feet, head or any part of your body, Ylang Ylang oil helps to relax your senses and calm you down. It promotes peace within you, and acts as a stress buster!

4. De-stressor: when massaged into your shoulder, palms, feet, head or any part of your body, Ylang Ylang oil helps to relax your senses and calm you down. It promotes peace within you, and acts as a stress buster!

Use the Ylang Ylang oil to experience best results.

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